Corn Tortillas
- 260 g (~ 9 ounces) organic masa flour
- 250 mL (~ 1 cup) warm water
- 3 g (~ ½ tsp) salt
Combine salt and flour. Add the water a little at a time and incorporate fully. You made need a little more or a little less water. The dough should come together in a firm moist way, very slightly tacky, without cracking into crumbs. If needed, add more water a tablespoon at a time. Roll out ~30 g (roughly 1 oz ) patties. Place the patties on a tortilla press covered with parchment paper or other paper with a non-stick surface on the bottom and the top (my teacher from Mexico city, Linda, taught me how to make these using Wal-Mart bags cut into circles). Press down firmly. Flip over and press again. Remove the tortilla by peeling the non-stick covering back. Place on a griddle at 400 degrees F. Once the edges start to lift, and you can grasp the tortilla without it tearing, flip it over. Push the edges back onto the griddle with your fingertips. Once the tortilla starts to puff, flip it over for another 1-2 minutes, then remove. Each tortilla should be flipped three times.